10 Horrifying Details You Missed In Recent Horror Movies

6. There Are Secret UFOs In The First Scene - Army Of The Dead

Halloween Kills Halloween Ends

Army of the Dead is such an act of cinematic sensory overload that you can't really be blamed for missing something completely insane and potentially terrifying that occurs in literally the first 40 seconds of the movie.

The opening sequence sees a U.S. Army convoy driving away from Area 51 of all places, and if you keep your eyes peeled on the far-right side of the screen, you might spot two bright orbs flying through the sky.

The objects appear in two separate shots, and in the second, they can even be seen quickly flying off at a speed likely unattainable by any aircraft created by humans.

While it's fair to say that Zack Snyder was most likely just poking a little fun at the Area 51 setting, it's nevertheless fascinating to consider that there might be scarier and more destructive threats out there than the zombie horde spanning the globe.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.