10 Horrifying Details You Missed In Recent Horror Movies

3. Jean Jacket's "Eye" Is Modelled After An Old Camera - Nope

Halloween Kills Halloween Ends
Universal & Unsplash

At the end of Jordan Peele's Nope, we finally get to see the true form of the UFO nicknamed Jean Jacket.

Its conventional flying saucer form unfurls to reveal a jellyfish-like structure, complete with a large eye and green eyelash-like objects trailing around it.

It's a completely unexpected design for a movie alien and, in its abstract nature, extremely offputting in an incredibly unique way.

Except, Jordan Peele being who he is, everything in his movie means something, and he didn't just happen upon this look for Jean Jacket totally out of nowhere.

Instead, the eye is actually modelled off of older large format cameras, with the eye resembling the lens iris, while the "eyelashes" look like the accordion-like bellows attached to older cameras.

Given that Nope's backstory is centered around Hollywood and filmmaking, there's no chance at all this was a coincidence: Peele puts way too much thought into his films for this to be anything but deliberate.

And considering that Jean Jacket devours anything that looks directly at it, it's even more fitting metaphorically speaking.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.