10 Horror Characters Who Wished They Were Dead

7. Anna - Martyrs (2008)

The Human Centipede First Sequence Lindsay
Wild Bunch

A film not for the faint of heart, French Extremity shocker Martyrs starts off on a strong note as viewers witness a troubled woman named Lucie (Mylène Jampanoï) gun down a family in cold blood in the middle of a quiet breakfast. It transpires that they were responsible for the systematic abuse Lucie received as a child. However, realising that her revenge couldn’t rid her of her torment, Lucie takes her own life as her horrified friend Anna (Morjana Alaoui) looks on.

And events only continue to get worse from here. The next day Anna discovers a trap door in the family’s home where she finds a mutilated woman. But before she can save her, a mysterious group arrive to kill the woman and capture Anna.

It's revealed that these people are from the same organisation that tortured Lucie all those years ago. Their goal is to discover the secrets of the afterlife by torturing women until they reach a transcendental state. And Anna gets to be their next subject.

Anna spends the next days or weeks being broken physically and mentally. She's brutally beaten and tortured in a process which ends in her being flayed alive. Death would've been her salvation.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.