10 Horror Film Franchises Worse Than Paranormal Activity

3. Mega Shark

Production company The Asylum makes the modern equivalent of Drive-in exploitation movies €“ shoddy, dirt cheap rip-offs with a cast of unknowns and washed-up performers who need the work. This is not filmmaking for the ages, or even for the moment €“ you€™ll forget these movies as you watch them, then they€™ll be another along next week. From the company that brought you Sharknado comes the Mega Shark series, which is pretty much the same thing, only less dumb fun. The shark typically fights a giant octopus, a crocosaurus or a mecha shark, which allows the filmmakers to throw twice as many cheesy effects as usual. The problem with trash is that it becomes addictive, and after a while you find yourself watching not because you know you€™re going to see anything good or even worth your time, but because you know you€™re getting a particular brand of entertainment. This is what people mean when they say, €œIt€™s not supposed to be Shakespeare!€ Worst Offender: Mega Shark Vs Mecha Shark (2014), for giving Debbie Gibson another supporting role.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'