10 Horror Films Much Weirder Than You Remember

6. Dreamcatcher

Pet Sematary Zelda
Castle Rock Entertainment

Anyone who's had the misfortune to watch Dreamcatcher should remember how off the wall it is. After all, the story centres around aliens bursting out of people's asses.

Having said that, there are so many ludicrous moments in this unintentional comedy, it's a challenge to recall everything. Some scenes stand out (for better or for worse), including the memory warehouse, the psychic kids, and the s**t weasels - which is literally what they're called in the movie.

But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Morgan Freeman's OTT performance is almost as ridiculous as his fake eyebrows. Anyone exposed to aliens develops gas, which leads to some unnecessarily gross sequences. The villainous extra-terrestrial, Mr. Gray, speaks in an old-fashioned Cockney accent for no reason. And in the final minute, it's revealed the group's oldest friend has been an alien this whole time.

There's also a subplot revolving around Jonesy suffering brain damage, which prevents him from being mind-controlled by aliens. This detail seems pointless since he's the only character who gets brainwashed by Mr. Gray.

Honestly, Dreamcatcher has so many WTF moments, the scene where Timothy Olyphant's character has his penis bitten off barely registers.


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