10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died Painful Deaths

8. Jenna - Hatchet

Green Inferno
Anchor Bay Entertainment

To single out any one death in the Hatchet series as being horrible is no easy task. Of all the great slasher villains, few are as messy - or plain vindictive about it - as Victor Crowley.

Over the course of four Hatchet movies, Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder, the fan-favourite Jason Voorhees) has hacked, chopped and slaughtered his way through teenagers, small town cops, mercenaries and military guys alike. What all of the dead have in common: a horrible death.

Perhaps the grisliest death in the first film was that of poor Jenna (Joleigh Fioravanti), the poor pornstar, caught in Crowley's path. No hatchet required here - Crowley grabs a gas-powered belt sander and shoves the thing in Jenna's mouth, demolishing her jaw and the entire lower portion of her face.

Unfortunately, this isn't enough to kill Jenna. Crowley finishes her off with the handle of a shovel, which he uses to impale his gurgling, near-dead victim.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.