10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died Painful Deaths

4. Ashley And Ashlyn - Final Destination 3

Green Inferno
New Line Cinema

Say what you will about the embodiment of Death of the Final Destination franchise - at least the villain usually grants the victims the mercy of a quick death.

Not so Final Destination's Ashley and Ashlyn (Chelan Simmons and Yan-Kaye Crystal Lowe), who suffer what might be the slowest, nastiest death of the entire franchise - and also the most iconic sequence since Final Destination 2's motorway pile-up.

After escaping a gory (but nonetheless quick) death by rollercoaster at the start of the movie, fate catches up with Ashley and Ashlyn during a trip to the beauty salon. Settling in for a session on the tanning beds, the girls find themselves trapped when Death intervenes, locking them into their sunbeds.

With the doors locked, the heat rising, and the beds turned into sizzling coffins, the girls are roasted alive. This is depicted in gruesome detail during the film's most horrifying sequence - a turn of events which should have all viewers swearing off the tanning bed for life.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.