10 Horror Movie Characters Who Got What Was Coming To Them

1. The Criminals: The Last House On The Left

Human Centipede 2
Hallmark Releasing

Before Scream and A Nightmare on Elm Street, Wes Craven released a grimy exploitation flick as his directorial debut. Despite being released over forty years ago, it remains to be one of the most harrowing depictions of assault and violence put to film – with some truly horrific monsters being the perpetrators.

After kidnapping, beating, humiliating, tormenting and raping two innocent young girls, a group of criminals then murder them and go on their merry way. They pose as travelling salesmen and crash at a nearby home. Only the home belongs to the parents of one of the girls.

What follows is a series of explosive acts of vengeance, with the truly evil gang being met with deservedly grisly fates. One has his penis bitten off, one is killed with a chainsaw and they all are subjected to the helplessness that they had inflicted upon the two girls. The Last House on the Left isn’t a nice film by any means, but you can’t help but be pretty damn pleased that the inhumanly cruel gang meet a painful demise at the end of the film.

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Texas Chainsaw Leatherface
Cinemarque Entertainment BV

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