10 Horror Movie Characters Who Got What Was Coming To Them

6. Blaire - Unfriended

Human Centipede 2
Blumhouse Productions

Most of the characters in 2015’s Skype-horror Unfriended are pretty detestable, but protagonist Blaire is arguably the worst.

Exactly a year prior to the film’s setting, Laura Barns committed suicide after a humiliating video of her was spread around. On the anniversary of her death, a group of friends who knew her have a little catch up over Skype.

Unsurprisingly, they all had something to do with Laura’s death. Laura’s spirit begins to haunt their call, making them confess to the various horrible things they had done, either to Laura or each other. One spread a rumour that she had an eating disorder, another defaced her grave.

Blaire was meant to be Laura’s best friend, so her little secret is that she cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend. She wouldn’t have done anything to Laura, right?

Well, that was just Blaire’s excuse to the ghost in order to try and escape her wraithy wrath, but it’s revealed that it was in fact Blaire who posted and circulated the humiliating video that led to Laura’s suicide. All of Blaire’s friends are dead due to her cruelty, and the movie ends with Laura herself showing up and attacking Blaire.


Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.