10 Horror Movie Characters Who Knew When To Quit (But Didn't)

8. Aaron - Creep

fall 2022
The Orchard

If it's perhaps unfair to call Creep's Aaron (Patrick Brice) the dumbest horror movie protagonist ever, he at least might be the most mesmerisingly naive - even if he nevertheless appreciated his life was in sure danger.

After Aaron spends the movie being terrorised by one of his videography clients, the eccentric Josef (Mark Duplass), he eventually escapes and returns home.

There, Aaron receives various items in the mail from Josef, including a DVD where he offers to meet him in broad daylight in order to, er, bury the hatchet (our words, not his).

Despite this very obviously being a setup, and Aaron appreciating this enough to both set a camera on himself and have his phone ready to call the cops, he still goes ahead with the meeting.

And so, in a moment so self-inflicted it basically borders on suicide, Aaron sits on a bench facing the lake as Josef sneaks up behind him with an axe and hacks him to death.

To rub salt in the wound, the final scene sees Josef questioning why Aaron fell for the whole ruse, noting that he must've genuinely believed him to be a good person.

All the same, the writing was on the wall here. If you need a camera and 911 on speed dial to interact with someone, you know nothing good will come from it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.