10 Horror Movie Characters Who Knew When To Quit (But Didn't)

4. Dewey - Scream (2022)

fall 2022

Scream fans were devastated when fan favourite character Dewey Riley's (David Arquette) luck finally ran out in the fifth film, though it clearly didn't have to be this way.

When the heroes are attacked by Ghostface at the hospital, Dewey successfully fends them off with three gunshots to the torso.

But as he and the others evacuate the hospital to safety, Dewey goes back to finish the job, remarking that you always need to shoot the killers in the head.

While it's infuriating that Dewey didn't cap this Ghostface in the head the moment they were down, going back on his own was a supremely bad idea.

Having survived this many encounters with the various killers - albeit barely sometimes - he evidently appreciated the smart choice was leaving the hospital.

And so, when Dewey returns to finish the killer off, they inevitably manage to get the better of him, slicing him to ribbons to the frustration of fans everywhere.

Granted, Dewey wasn't in the best of mental health during the events of the film, but even so, if he took that hospital elevator with everybody else, there's a good chance he'd still be alive.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.