10 Horror Movie Characters Who Should've Been Final Girls

4. Kia Waterson - Freddy Vs. Jason

Freddy Vs Jason Kia
New Line Cinema

In 2003, the horror community got to see slasher titans, Freddy Kruger and Jason Voorhees, duke it out for the first time in Freddy Vs. Jason. Watching the two unstoppable maniacs beating the tar out of one another was a dream come true for many long-time fans. 

However, the crossover was let down by its underwhelming lead, Lori Campbell. Since Lori spends most of the time screaming hysterically, running away, or delivering terrible lines, she doesn't really merit Final Girl status.

If anyone should've been the main character, it was Lori's friend, Kia Waterson. Kia always has Lori's back, helping her get over her ex and protecting her every time the titular villains draw near.

Even though Freddy is renowned for his wisecracks, Kia is more than capable of trading barbs with the dream demon. Rather than running away from the Freddy, Kia mocks his "butter knives", questions his manhood, and compares his sweater to a Christmas top. Although Freddy tends to laugh off insults like this, Kia's putdowns cause him to focus on her, giving Lori enough time to escape.

Although Kia went out protecting Lori, it would've been more fitting to see her outlive her friend instead.

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