10 Horror Movie Characters Who Totally NOPED OUT

8. Constables Heeps & Peterson - The Conjuring 2

Paranormal Activity
Warner Bros.

Where paranormal antagonists are concerned, there's generally no point calling the cops, who beyond having no legal recourse to deal with a poltergeist or demon - what are they gonna do, cuff 'em? - will most likely just assume you're suffering from a mental health crisis.

This is quite hilariously confirmed in The Conjuring 2, where when the Hodgson family begins experiencing aggressively violent supernatural phenomena in their home, they call the cops.

The police humour the family enough to show up and check that there isn't a human assailant hiding in the house, but once they see a chair get dragged through the hallway of the house, they get spooked and promptly take their leave.

The two cops bluntly inform the family that there's nothing they can do about this problem, that it's entirely beyond them - which is absolutely true - before recommending that they get a priest involved.

When you're facing off against a force that even the cops don't want to touch, you know you're in serious trouble.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.