10 Horror Movie Douchebags Who Actually Survived

6. Sheila - Fear Street: Part Two - 1978

Scream Cheerleader

The second entry into Netflix's Fear Street trilogy introduces us to the character of Sheila (Chiara Aurelia), a deeply obnoxious Sunnyvale camper who spends the bulk of her screen time torturing poor Ziggy Berman (Sadie Sink).

Sheila and her pals chase Ziggy down, tie her to a tree, attempt to burn her, and later on even vandalise her cabin. Though it seems like Sheila's being set up for a gratifyingly brutal death by film's end, it never happens.

When all hell breaks loose later on, Ziggy ends up knocking Sheila unconscious, leaving her totally out of the picture during a possessed Tommy Slater's (McCabe Slye) rampage.

Though we never see Sheila again after she's knocked out, it's made clear that the central curse only targets Shadyside campers, and so there's no reason to believe that she was in any way harmed by Tommy.

Instead, she presumably woke up and learned of the horrors that transpired around her before heading home. Given that she didn't see any of the mayhem for herself, she probably didn't even need therapy.

Quite the fortunate outcome for a character most viewers were desperate to see dealt a grisly death.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.