10 Horror Movie Franchises That Never Seem To End

7. Alien

Halloween Kills
20th Century Fox

It should be no surprise that one of the most critically revered horror sci-fi franchises is still alive forty-one years after it first came to the silver screen. By critically revered, we're of course not talking about EVERY entry in the franchise, but there are more hits than misses.

The first four Alien films all have their fans, especially thanks to Sigourney Weaver's story arc and a different takes each director brought to the table. Sadly the Alien Vs Predator films never lived up to their huge potential. With Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, things get a little wayward, and a lot less Alien.

Despite the mixed reviews and success of the last two films, the franchise is still a hot property. Who takes the helm of the next film is up in the air, but Ridley Scott has an idea for another film, and don't forget Neill Blomkamp had his own ideas for an Alien film a few years ago. I think we all know whose vision we'd like to see next.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.