10 Horror Movie Heroes That Should Have Been Villains

6. Louis Creed - Pet Sematary

The Conjuring Ed Lorraine Warren

Unlike most entries on our list, Pet Sematary's Louis Creed doesn't have a bad bone in his body. In fact, it's his purity which brings about his downfall.

This Stephen King adaptation opens with Louis moving his family to a rural home in Maine. When the Creeds' cat dies, Louis buries it in a mystical graveyard nearby that, due to the cemetery's magical properties, resurrects the animal as a violent and unloving revenant.

After Louis' son Gage is tragically mowed down by a passing lorry, the grieving father buries the boy in the cursed cemetery in the hope of bringing him back to life. Unsurprisingly, Gage returns as a deranged zombie, forcing Louis to put him down again.

Though Louis had to deal with tragic circumstances, it's tough to support him when he'd already seen what happened to the chat and knew what fate had in store for a resurrected Gage. What's worse, Louis still doesn't learn anything as he later reanimates his dead wife in the final scene, causing her to, you guessed it, become a murderous zombie.

It's impossible to paint Louis as a sympathetic hero, and it would've been better to see him go full 'villain' and kill anyone in the way of reuniting him with his son.


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