10 Horror Movie Openings That Get Worse The More You Think About It

2. Antichrist

Antichrist Charlotte Gainsbourg
Zentropa Entertainments

Here's a tip: don't watch Antichrist if you're not 100% certain you can handle it. It is an extremely messed up movie that is that rare combo of viscerally disgusting and mentally scarring.

All we'll say is that Charlotte Gainsbourg is certainly not a qualified gynaecologist.

The first instalment of Lars Von Trier's depression trilogy, Antichrist wastes no time in showing its audience that they are not in for a fun time.

It opens on an unnamed couple, played by Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe, getting down to business in their flat. Nothing wrong with that, it's their God-given right. Except in another room, their infant son manages to crawl over to an open window and fall to his death.

Right. Okay then.

The harrowing juxtaposition of a couple making love whilst their son dies leaves so many questions so early into this film. How often did the couple leave their son alone like that? Why was the window open? What else was the child put through?

The villain of this scene isn't supernatural in any way. They're two negligent parents, which is even scarier because they exist in the real world.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.