10 Horror Movie Protagonists Who Kind Of Deserved To Die
4. Louis – Pet Sematary
They say the definition of an idiot is someone who keeps making
the same mistakes over and over but expects different results. If there’s a
film character who epitomises that kind of idiocy it’s Pet Sematary’s Louis
After taking some bad pet care advice from his neighbour which involves burying his recently run over cat on an Ancient Indian Burial Ground™, Louis is left with a supernaturally resurrected devil kitty that’s a vicious, smelly shell of its former fluffy self.
Most of us would cut all ties with that godforsaken burial ground at this point but Louis is a special kind of stupid so when his young son unfortunately gets run over too, he also buries him in the tainted ground and is left with an evil, undead terror tot who ends up killing his own mother with a scalpel.
Naturally, Louis decides to bury his dead wife at the Ancient Indian Burial Ground™ too who unsurprisingly comes back evil as well but at least has the good grace to kill him before he can do anymore damage. Some people never learn.