10 Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2019

1. Zombieland 2 - 11th October

Pennywise Gif
Sony Pictures

It's finally coming. One of the most beloved horror comedies and slickest zombie movies of all time, the film that celebrated Twinkies and Bill Murray with the reverence they deserve is actually getting a follow up, and it's one that will feature the all-star, oscar-winning cast from 2009. If there's any way to celebrate a 10th birthday, it's like this guys.

Zombieland 2 is set to continue on from the first film's premise of a pandemic-riddled world inhabited largely by the undead, with Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Abigail Breslin teamed up to take down zombies in their usual eccentric style. In this iteration, the hordes will have evolved and adapted - proving for some trickier situations our hometown heroes will have to face up against. Better upgrade your falling pianos.

This has taken far too long and also just long enough to make. Everything good is worth waiting for, but holy BUTTS are we ready to see it.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.