10 Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2019

2. It: Chapter 2 - 6th September

Pennywise Gif

Considering It: Chapter One was one of the biggest mainstream horror releases this generation, it's fair to say that It: Chapter Two is causing some scenes out in the film community - with people clamouring to know what comes next in the nifty Stephen King adaptation set 27 years later.

Where the first film explored a group of friends in the 'Loser's Club' as they battled against a supernatural entity taking on the shapes of their worst fears, most commonly seen as Pennywise the Dancing Clown, the second will depict what has happened in the years since their traumatic showdown with the creature. And boy, are we excited.

With a cast consisting of Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy leading the adults as they return to fight Pennywise, you know it's going to be good. Whether it goes as all-out weird as the 1990s mini series or even as batsh*t insane as King's own novel is yet to be seen, but if director Muschietti does a repeat performance of It's incredible commitment to its source material then we'll be in for a treat. You can trust the man that knows when to leave out the underage gang bands in the sewers.

It Chapter 2
New Line Cinema
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.