10 Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2019

3. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged - 28th June

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Entertainment Studios

Shark films are gods gift to the world. Considering they're entirely built on the premise of there being a giant underwater set of teeth hunting down whoever is foolish enough to go messing in their habitat, you'd think that the concept would wear thin - but try telling that to the Sharknado franchise, or The Rock himself with 2018's The Meg, or literal shark week that happens every year. Try telling that to 47 Meters Down. None of them will listen, and nor should they.

Cashing in on the success of their tight suspense story about two girls getting trapped - you guessed it - 47 meters underwater when their shark diving cage is cut loose, Uncaged is the sequel takes the literal title to the next level. This time, a group of travellers are also trapped 47 meters underwater, but there's no cage protecting them from the ocean's apex predator. Hence the Uncaged thing. They know what they're doing.

Just take it for what it is and rejoice that we still get ridiculous fish frenzies at least once a year, and that Johannes Roberts makes 'em good.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.