10 Horror Movie Sequels With ONE Great Scene

8. Laurie Decapitates Michael - Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Hostel 2
Dimension Films

As Halloween sequels go, Halloween H20 actually isn't that bad - it's certainly the best since Halloween III, and restores a certain dignity to the franchise in the process.

And while it flirts with being a genuinely good movie - particularly in its depiction of Laurie Strode's (Jamie Lee Curtis) PTSD-induced alcoholism - it mostly ends up feeling it was filmed from a first draft script. The kernels of interest are there, but not quite developed enough.

There is one absolute home-run that the movie hits, though, and that's its ending, where Laurie finally appears to kill Michael Myers once and for all, by swiftly decapitating him with a hugely satisfying swing of her axe.

Better still, the film rolls the end credits less than 20 second after Myers' head is parted from his body - there's no sequel-baiting credits tag nor any excessive dramatic guff. This was the perfect way to end the franchise - brutal and efficient.

But of course, an eighth film eventually went into production, with Halloween: Resurrection presenting an awful retcon whereby Michael is revealed to have switched clothes with a paramedic moments before the decapitation, whose larynx he crushed and left to be killed by Laurie instead.

The series might appear to be back on firm ground nowadays with 2018's continuity-rejigging sequel, but H20 remains the point at which it was probably best to say goodbye to Michael.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.