10 Horror Movie Villain Replacements Fans REJECTED

6. Brahms - Brahms: The Boy 2

Logan Nelson Jigsaw
STX Entertainment

2016’s The Boy was a pretty average supernatural doll movie for the most part, until a clever twist revealed the real evil to be the presumed dead son of the Heelshire family, who had been living in the walls and orchestrating the creepy events the whole time. A pretty nice turn of events that made a dull film into decent one.

Then, because apparently the people had been clamouring for a sequel, the powers that be granted us a sequel: Brahms, The Boy 2. Given the ending of the first film showed our friendly neighbourhood wall crawler of the psychopathic variety was alive and well, it was presumed that the sequel would follow in the vein of the first.

Alas, continuity was thrown out of the window when the story revealed the nasty little doll was host to an even nastier entity. So basically Child’s Play without any of the stuff that’s actually good in Child’s Play.

The film morphed into the average – if we’re being generous - possessed doll movie with some truly...interesting attempts at CGI.

Granted, the weird little demon flesh-baby-tooth thing was interesting looking, but that’s just about all I can say that’s vaguely positive about this snorefest.

The Boy 2 took a genuinely different and refreshing idea, which is pretty rare in Hollywood horror, and turned it into a below average story we’ve seen a million times before. You bet fans hated it!

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