10 Horror Movie Villains KILLED Before The End

5. Jason & Greg - Scream VI

From Dusk Till Dawn Salma Hayek

An incredibly rare example now, of a slasher movie villain who dies right at the start of the movie. But this being the Scream franchise, of course there's a twist.

In each of the five prior Scream movies, the Ghostface killers were of course dispatched right at the end of the picture, more often than not being felled by Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell). But Scream VI opted to seriously switch-up the series' formula by doing two things - firstly, unmasking one of its killers in the opening scene, and then killing him and his accomplice before the movie's title has even been shown.

Scream VI kicks off with the murder of film professor Laura Crane (Samara Weaving) at the hands of a Ghostface who quickly reveals himself to be one of her students, Jason (Tony Revolori). When Jason returns home, however, he gets a surprise of his own - another Ghostface who reveals that he murdered Jason's partner-in-crime Greg, whose dismembered corpse Jason discovers in his fridge.

Moments later, Jason is then surprised and killed by this Ghostface, who while very clearly the "main" Ghostface for Scream VI, nevertheless does what nobody else in the series has - stopped a killer's rampage super-early... while also embarking on their own.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.