10 Horror Movie Villains So Dumb They Deserved To Fail

8. Eddie Quist - The Howling

Anaconda Jon Voight
Artisan Entertainment

Joe Dante's cult classic werewolf film The Howling kicks off by introducing us to serial killer Eddie Quist (Robert Picardo), who is later revealed to be - you guessed it - a werewolf.

Near the end of the film, Eddie hands himself the L to end all Ls when he gets the drop on Chris (Dennis Dugan) and snatches away his rifle.

But in a feat of suicidal overconfidence, Eddie hands the rifle back while inviting Chris to shoot him as he transforms, given that he's immune to conventional bullets.

But Eddie idiotically didn't consider the possibility that the heroes had stocked up on silver bullets, which they absolutely had, and so when Chris does as instructed and fires the rifle, the silver bullets quickly kill Eddie dead.

It is, admittedly, supposed to illicit a perverse chuckle from the audience - this being a Joe Dante film and all - but all the same, this is arrogance taken to a pathological, ultimately fatal level.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.