10 Horror Movie Villains So Dumb They Deserved To Fail

7. The Aliens - Signs

Anaconda Jon Voight
Touchstone Pictures

M. Night Shyamalan's Signs is a taut slice of sci-fi horror with a wildly divisive ending in which the Hess brothers realise that water is toxic to the alien invaders, leading to their defeat.

Love or hate that big reveal, it's reasonable to assume that these weren't the smartest aliens in the universe, invading a planet whose surface is roughly 71% water.

If they're visiting an unknown planet, it might at least be worth wearing something over their skin, right? Instead, they're incredibly exposed and pay the ultimate price for it.

Imagine humans visiting a planet that's about three-quarters covered with hydrochloric acid, while naked no less, and then being shocked when they start melting away. Lunacy.

Granted, you can argue that the aliens simply didn't know what water was, or these particular aliens were just scouts investigating Earth.

Even so, their staggering lack of even basic precautions means they were setting themselves up to die. As the saying goes, those who fail to plan plan to fail.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.