10 Horror Movie Villains With The Highest Body Counts

9. Leatherface - 35 Kills 


Film Appearances: 7

Confirmed Kill Count: 35

If there’s anything that can be said about Leatherface, he’s at least an avid believer in recycling. Skinning his kills and using them for a variety of lovely home furnishings as well as his iconic face masks, Leatherface is quite the creative when it comes to making human-hide gifts for all the family, and must have a pretty good catalogue collection by now considering just how often he sticks chainsaws through people.

Arguably THE original slasher villain coming to screens in 1974, Leatherface struck fear into the hearts of those the world over when the distinctive revving of a chainsaw became something far more sinister than the work of a tree surgeon. Cited as being like an overgrown, protective child, Leatherface will protect his hillbilly family at all costs - to the point where accidentally trespassing on Sawyer land is enough to invoke his petrol-fuelled wrath.

His numbers might not be high, but they’re certainly worthy of notice considering the intensely gory manner most of them are carried out with. The title really couldn’t get any more literal.

Best Kill: Hooked on you


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.