10 Horror Movie Villains With The Highest Body Counts

8. Hannibal Lector - 38 Kills

Orion Pictures

Film Appearances: 5

Confirmed Kill Count: 38

Lector has appeared in many iterations across the years, first appearing in Thomas Harris’s original novels before being adapted into his first movie, Manhunter, in 1986. Hannibal the Cannibal is known for making a meal of his victims, pairing them off with a nice Chianti and living the life of luxury on the very best cuts of ‘meat’. You might’ve never had a manwich with real man in it before, but this guy has. Don’t even ask what the ‘sausage’ is.

His attacks are precise and vicious, and his mind sharper than any knife he’d use on his prey - making him just as deadly when locked up in his cell as when let loose on society. Silence of the Lambs shows Hannibal’s true potential to talk people to death as well as chewing their faces off, which, let’s be honest, is a hard sell if you had to pick between them either way.

Best Kill: The Great Escape


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.