10 Horror Movie Villains With The Worst Motives

7. The TV - Await Further Instructions

There's Someone Inside Your House

Await Further Instructions is a quirky low-budget British horror movie that follows a family trapped in their home where a mysterious command on their television tells them to 'await further instructions'. The TV continues to wheel out increasingly more sinister commands, before gaining sentience, sporting tentacles and taking over the bodies of the family members.

And why does this sinister television pick off the family and showcase all of its black liquid-tentacle limbs? According to the monster, it wants humanity to worship it as a God.

There's so much ambiguity around what this sinister creature is, but this shoehorned-in line at the end of the movie about wanting to be worshipped feels incredibly weak. None of the instructions given throughout the movie indicates wanting to be worshipped, with the creature spending all of its time either wiping out its would-be disciples in the film or getting them to do it to one another for it.

It's one of those cliche horror movie ending lines that sounds sinister and ominous on paper, but doesn't work in reality after an hour and a half worth of viewing.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.