10 Horror Movies About To Become TV Shows

5. The Wicker Man

Hostel Part 2
British Lion Films

Joining a number of the other entries on this list as exciting-sounding horror projects that disappointingly haven't offered all that many new updates over the last few years, another iconic piece of frightening cinema in the form of The Wicker Man was seemingly set to undergo the TV treatment as of October 2022.

Said television version of the Edward Woodward and Christopher Lee-starring cult classic, one which tells the story of Sergeant Neil Howie's journey to Summerisle as he searches for a missing girl and the tragedy that transpires in the wake of the Christian discovering the island's natives worshipping pagan Celtic gods, was being developed by Urban Myth Films and Andy Serkis and Jonathan Cavendish's The Imaginarium.

Howard Overman, the person responsible for penning the likes of Misfits and War of the Worlds, had even written a script for this latest stab at reimagining the story (following 2006's American remake), with the aforementioned team being said to be in the early stages of pitching their series to broadcasters, as Deadline reported.

Since then, though, there's frustratingly been no mention of the TV project, one that sounded quite intriguing based on Cavendish's comments of it being "a bold, shocking and unique series, pulling the themes and terrifying power of the original Wicker Man into a thrilling modern setting."

Whether the project is dead in the water or still being pushed behind the scenes is anyone's guess at this point. But the longer the Wicker Man silence continues, the more this one will look like it has gone up in flames, sadly.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...