10 Horror Movies Audiences Walked Out On

8. House Of Wax

Terrifier 2
Warner Bros.

How bad can a remake of a film from 1933 actually be? Oh, people pull their own skin off in this movie? And you see their fingers get chopped off? Never mind, question answered.

House of Wax from 2005 features a particularly nasty pair called Bo and Vincent who take great pleasure in murdering people with wax. The gooey stuff is an essential item in the story with Vincent's signature mask even being made out of it.

It's used to glue someone's lips shut, forcing them to pull them apart, it gets peeled off someone's face, ripping the flesh off with it, and it's also used to preserve the brothers' victims in a hideous waxwork museum.

Safe to say this film has not one Yankee candle in sight.

Perhaps it's the unique nature of the film's kills that made it such a difficult watch. You don't see wax used a lot in horror films and this unusual weapon might be the reason why so many people left the cinema so early into this movie.

Or maybe it's just because they realised Paris Hilton was in it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.