10 Horror Movies Ruined By Listening To The Fans

8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

Alien: Resurrection Ripley 8

After the success of 2018's Halloween, horror fans considered which other franchises could benefit from a legacy sequel which reverted back to the original protagonist, and right at the top of the pack was The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Fans wanted to see the original movie's heroine, Sally Hardesty, brought back into the fold to do battle with Leatherface, and last year that's precisely what they got.

2022's direct-to-Netflix sequel reunited fans with Sally (Olwen Fouéré), reimagined as a badass Texas Ranger who remains haunted by her encounter with Leatherface almost 50 years prior. But beyond the fact that this legacy sequel treatment lacked the same emotional resonance as Halloween because original Sally actress Marilyn Burns passed away in 2014 - and honestly, Sally isn't nearly as iconic as Laurie Strode - the narrative did a huge disservice to Sally as a character.

Sally's hyped-up showdown with Leatherface (Mark Burnham) was a total bust; she inexplicably squandered a ripe opportunity to kill him and instead ended up on the business end of his chainsaw for her troubles.

It was a depressing, deeply unsatisfying return for Sally, and one that most fans have simply opted to ignore until the franchise tells them otherwise. "Bring Sally back," fans said. "It'll be great," they said.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.