10 Horror Movies Set In Only One Location
5. Pandorum
Yes, every film featured on this list may be limited
to one location, but are any of the others able to boast as impressive a
location as… Space?
Well okay, technically Pandorum is actually set on a single spaceship until (spoiler alert) its closing seconds, but nonetheless this tense 2009 psychological horror manages to mine the dead space of, er, space for maximum unease and creepiness. Centring around a stellar turn from the always underrated Ben Foster (he was in Alpha Dog and Get Over It, remember?), the film follows a young lieutenant as he awakens from hyper sleep suffering the titular space madness. Our hero proceeds to encounters all manner of unsettling phenomena on his ship under the tutelage of Dennis Quaid’s commanding officer before he learns the awful truth about what’s been going down on this vessel, a massive interstellar ark which was designed to transport humanity’s last survivors to a faraway planet and facilitate repopulation..
Directed by Christian Alvart of Antibodies fame (and Case 39 infamy), this underrated chiller mines its limited location for tons of claustrophobic terror as we gradually realize just how isolated and alone our already unstable protagonist is, or worse—how far from alone he may be in the dark depths of his labyrinthine ship.