10 Horror Movies Set On One Day Only

8. The Vigil

Cube Movie
IFC Midnight

When we say they take place in one day, we don’t necessarily mean within the daylight. The Vigil begins in the evening, as protagonist Yakov takes on a last minute job as a shomer - watching over the body of a deceased member of the local Hasidic Jewish community for the night.

Almost as soon as his task begins, he starts noticing things are drastically wrong. Over the course of the night he has to confront the demons inhabiting the house and its family, as well as those in his own head. Partially obscured in the shadows and at times horribly up-close, we are confronted with the horrors of the supernatural world and of one’s own memories.

It’s a very well-crafted film, with director Keith Thomas steeping his sequences in tension and mystery. All contained within the period of one night, we feel satisfied by the end with complete arcs for our protagonist and those around him.

Dave Davis (what a name) does a fantastic job in the central role, ensuring that this is one night you’re sure not to forget.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.