10 Horror Movies Set On One Day Only

6. The Killing Room

Cube Movie

The Killing Room follows along with the now well-known format of the ‘locked in a room with a countdown’ horror. If that sounds too niche to be real, just off the top of the list we can give some honorable mentions to Fermat’s Room, Vile, Exam and many others.

In this film, a group of strangers sign up to some psychological research only to find that what they’ve gotten themselves in for is a bit darker than expected. The research turns out to be a new version of Project MKULtra, which, if you don’t know, was a series of unethical (and at times highly illegal) experiments carried out by the CIA in the 1950’s.

The aim of the experiments was to discover enhanced interrogation techniques including use of drugs and torture. Those stuck in the killing room have to work against all odds to find a way to set themselves free, all assumedly in under the eight hours they’re told the experiments will last.

When it comes to torture movies, you don’t need to drag it out over days. You can fit all sorts of torment into a neat eight hour package!


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.