10 Horror Movies Set On One Day Only

5. The Strangers

Cube Movie
Universal Pictures

A bit of a classic in the home invasion scene, The Strangers centres around couple James and Kristen whilst they’re staying at James’ childhood home. Cue some masked strangers intent on murder and you’ve got yourself a party!

Over a period of just one night, James and Kristen face a lifetime’s worth of torment at the hands of three masked intruders. Stalked like prey and trapped in the house, the two of them are outnumbered and cornered by the three mystery perpetrators.

The worst bit? They’re not even being targeted for any particular reason, it’s just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

One film critic tried to rationalise this by discussing horror’s stance in a post-9/11 world, painting death as a random act. I’m not entirely convinced that this depth was considered by the filmmakers, instead it just makes for a perfectly standard intruder-horror with a concise 85 minute runtime.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.