10 Horror Movies That Are Way Better When You Already Know The Twist

2. The Sixth Sense

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Buena Vista

In 1999, cinemagoers across the globe gasped in unison when they learned Bruce Willis' character from The Sixth Sense, Malcolm Crowe, was dead all along. The instant the movie ended, everyone was compelled, no, obligated to watch it again.

Sure enough, you'll see clues of Malcolm's fate when you give The Sixth Sense another look. We now know why his wife wouldn't let him pick up the check at the restaurant. We understand why nobody but Cole interacts with him..

But that's not all. When you watch The Sixth Sense again, it feels like a different movie. The first time around, it's Cole's story. But when you revisit it, you can't help seeing everything from Malcolm's point-of-view.

Initially, we believed Malcolm saw Cole as a means to redeem himself, since his previous patient killed himself. In reality, Malcolm is a literal lost soul, gravitating towards a young boy, purely because he's the only person who can see him.

The first time viewers learn the twist, they're too shocked to process what this epiphany means for Malcolm. But when you watch it again, you feel a great sense of relief, knowing his spirit has finally moved on.

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