10 Horror Movies That Aren’t As Bad As Everyone Says

5. Cherry Falls

Burying The Ex
Fresh Produce Company

Okay, so in some cases there's no working out why the films on this list fell flat with critics.

But whilst the Brittany Murphy starring slasher Cherry Falls is an underrated gem, it's fairly easy to see why some reviewers found it exploitative.

Because, you know, it kind of is.

This 2001 teen horror is certainly tasteless, but it’s also a witty slice of dark satire that deconstructs the image of the virginal final girl with darker and more subversive edge than the earlier comparable hit Scream.

With a killer who specifically targets virgins, this pitch black comedy leaves its teen cast running to the bedroom to save their skin. It's a conceit that gives rise to some shocking one liners and a lot of sharp commentary on the genre, as well as some seriously gory kills.

Gory enough to earn the ire of the US rating authority the MPAA, as the film was cut numerous times but never granted a certificate. As a result it went unseen and was unappreciated by critics who didn't care for its explicit and brutal attack on the more conservative side of slasher cinema tropes.

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