10 Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

8. The Shark & Mayor Vaughn - Jaws

The Loved Ones

Steven Spielberg's Jaws is of course centrally preoccupied with a man-eating great white shark terrorising the New England beach town of Amity Island.

But because that's apparently not enough terror for a horror movie, Jaws also features a thoroughly detestable human villain by way of Mayor Larry Vaughn (Murray Hamilton).

Vaughn dismisses Chief Martin Brody's (Roy Scheider) concerns about the beaches being unsafe and later flat-out refuses to close them due to the tourism business that would be lost.

As politicians so often do, he puts money before human lives, and as such has a number of subsequent deaths on his hands.

After all, the shark is simply a creature driven by innate instinct - it's Vaughn who made the very conscious, calculated act to downplay the imminent threat for the sake of lining the town's coffers.

And while another version of this movie would've probably had Vaughn get chewed up by the shark in the end, Spielberg went the more depressingly realistic route of having him survive to re-appear in the sequel, where he again dismisses Brody's very reasonable fears.

The shark may cause all the physical harm in the most direct sense, but Mayor Vaughn is a villain everybody truly loves to hate.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.