10 Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

6. Orin Scrivello & Audrey II - Little Shop Of Horrors

The Loved Ones
Warner Bros.

Legendary horror-comedy musical Little Shop of Horrors is best remembered for its man-eating alien plant villain Audrey II, which grows in size as Seymour Krelborn (Rick Moranis) feeds it hapless human victims.

From the jaw-dropping puppetry to Levi Stubbs' delicious vocal performance, Audrey II is a stunning creation and certainly more than enough villain for one movie.

And here's a fun fact - in the movie's original ending, Audrey II actually took over the world, but pesky test audiences predictably hated it.

But much like Jaws, Little Shop of Horrors' creature antagonist is supported by a human villain, by way of Orin Scrivello (Steve Martin) - the abusive, psychopathic, nitrous-huffing dentist boyfriend of Audrey (Ellen Greene).

Orin admittedly doesn't last long in the movie - ultimately suffocating on his own supply and being fed to Audrey II - but Steve Martin makes one hell of an unhinged impression in the role.

When he's singing "Dentist!" while terrorising a patient, Martin simply can't disguise how much damn fun he's having, ensuring Orin steals the show every second he's on screen.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.