10 Horror Movies That Instantly Told You They Were Garbage

8. Halloween: Resurrection

Halloween Resurrection
Dimension Films

Picture confining poor Laurie Strode to an insane asylum and then having Michael kill her after she makes an idiotic mistake on a rooftop a few minutes into the film. Sounds ridiculous right? Well, the think tank behind Halloween: Resurrection thought this would be a neat example of subverting expectations.

Picking up several years after the considerably better Halloween: H20, this film is the final in the original series (if one ignores the Jamie Lloyd saga). After decades of torment and conflict, Michael Myers just kind of completes his curious life goal of assassinating his siblings and stumbles off into a cack-handed camcorder adventure with Busta Rhymes.

The opener's not only bad narratively but is also completely dead on the tension front. We've barely digested the total character assassination of Laurie as a doomed inmate (part of which involved undermining the prior film's dramatic Michael death) before the masked man's whacking security guards.

The dumbest part of all this? Laurie's so desperate to see Michael's face that she costs herself her own life reaching for his mask. The fact she kisses the lips of her murderous brother's mask after being stabbed is just the bizarre, uncomfortable cherry on top of this fecal matter cake that killed Halloween so badly they've tried to both remake and reboot the franchise in the years since.

And you thought Halloween Ends was bad.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.