10 Horror Movies That Never Left You

2. Eraserhead

Censor 2021
Libra Films

After nearly 50 years, David Lynch's directorial debut, Eraserhead, is still what the coiffed filmmaker is best-known for. Despite Lynch's vastly diverse career, nothing comes close to exemplifying the esteemed director's eccentric manner of storytelling as his first full-length feature.

Even though Lynch's passion project has been analysed to death, it's hard to explain what happens in Eraserhead, and it's more difficult to understand what it's about. Yes, the film deals with the pressures of being a new parent, but that barely scratches the surface.

Because of the experimental filmmaking and steam-of-consciousness narrative, Eraserhead isn't easy to follow or understand. (I mean, it does start with a sperm cell shooting out of the protagonist's mouth.) Considering it contains surreal visuals, including a puffy-cheeked woman living in a radiator and a deformed chicken baby gushing blood, it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.

But there's no question Eraserhead leaves an everlasting impact. It may have no conventional scares, but the creep factor that germinates throughout every frame will spook anyone. Whether you thinks Eraserhead is high art or a meaningless affair, it's a one-of-a-kind experience, guaranteed to make all viewers think, "What the hell did I just watch?"

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