10 Horror Movies That Scrapped INSANE Kills

7. Drury's Face Gets Ripped Off - Spiral

Slender Man

The ninth and most recent Saw film, Spiral, was criticised by some fans for feeling a little restrained in the gore department compared to its wantonly grisly predecessors, and that ultimately might be because the nastiest death scene was left on the cutting room floor.

While doing press for the film, director Darren Lynn Bousman confirmed to Bloody Disgusting that an extremely gruesome scene involving a trap was cut out of the movie despite having been filmed in its entirety. He said:

"We cut an entire scene out, an entire trap scene. Which was a huge kind of bummer for me. We were having huge problems with the MPA this time... There was a scene that took place in the third act, I won't say who it was but another character dies... And it was by far the most gruesome, 100%. It was also the most mean-spirited. We're like, 'The movie can completely exist without this scene.'
And we ended up losing it, in the very end, I would say the last week before we locked the edit. I'm happy for that actor because he now survived. Now he can come back if there's another one... There were a lot of traps that didn't make the cut, that we had ideas on, but there was only one trap that was shot that ended up getting cut. A guy’s face is completely… his entire face has come off."

Bousman later confirmed that this character was Detective Drury (K. C. Collins), who more-or-less disappears out of the movie later on, because of course he was supposed to have his face ripped off by one of Jigsaw's traps.

Sadly the scene has never been released, beyond one incredibly horrific picture from the set showing Drury's flayed remains.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.