10 Horror Movies That Totally Confused You

8. Infection (2004)

third part of the night

The name doesn’t inspire great hope for the film, but Infection is far from being your typical medical-based horror. An unknown virus appears to be rampaging through one hospital, causing the infected to leak green goo and become mentally unstable.

This illness appears out of nowhere, being passed from one staff member to another until almost everyone is infected. To make matters more complicated, we start to realise that everyone is not who we thought they were, and that events may not have happened how we saw them.

There’s supernatural ectoplasmic goo, unrecognisable corpses, changing identities and falsified memories. It’s an absolute free for all!

I won’t spoil the ending but honestly it does nothing to clarify it all, it only makes it more complex. If you like green goo and feeling generally confused, then give this a go.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.