10 Horror Movies That Totally Confused You
2. Kill List
On first watch, Kill List is absolutely batsh*t crazy. It morphs from crime thriller to cultist horror, dragging the audience along behind it as they beg for some clarity on what it all means.
Unlike other entries on this list, the narrative itself isn’t confusing: two ex-soldiers become hitmen and take on a mission. Part way through the mission they want to quit, but they are not allowed; chaos then ensues.
The issue is the dressing of it all: the identities of characters, their intentions, the things that are happening off-screen that we don’t get to see in process, only the results. As a result of this, throughout the film you’re not sure who to trust or where to turn to, and there’s something to be said in conjunction with that about the audience being put in the protagonist’s shoes.
There’s some pretty intense, difficult to watch bits, but if you’re looking for a properly unpredictable rollercoaster ride of a film (which you’ll be confused about maybe 70% of the time), then this is for you.