10 Horror Movies That Totally Screwed Characters

9. Laurie Strode - Halloween: Resurrection

Halloween Resurrection Laurie Dead
Trancas International

The Halloween franchise has demonstrated a knack for dealing infuriating fates to beloved characters over the years.

Halloween 4's fan favourite Rachel Carruthers (Ellie Cornell) got summarily killed in the fifth movie without putting up much of a fight, and Michael's niece Jamie Lloyd (J. C. Brandy) was pointlessly murdered by her uncle in the sixth Halloween. Pfft.

But without question the most irksome demise of any major character goes to the franchise's protagonist herself, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis). Despite ducking out most of the sequels, Laurie made a surprisingly solid return in Halloween H20, where she appeared to kill Michael once and for all.

Yet through hilariously convoluted means, Michael was brought back for an eighth go-around in Halloween: Resurrection, which made the extremely ill-advised call to kill off Laurie in its opening prologue sequence.

After luring Michael to the sanitarium where she's had herself incarcerated, Laurie hatches a plan to ensnare Michael for good, only to get herself killed after hesitating at the pivotal moment. He's then able to stab her and throw her off the asylum's roof to her death, inexplicably ruining the character in the process.

This one had something of a happy ending, at least, as 2018's new Halloween ignored all the sequels and resurrected Laurie as a PTSD-addled, Sarah Connor-esque survivalist. Fingers crossed the upcoming sequels don't screw it up again, though.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.