10 Horror Movies That Will Put You Off Travelling After Watching

7. Final Destination

Superhost Barbara Crampton
New Line Cinema

While the vast majority of the movies featured on this list are ones that largely revolved around relatively local travel or short breaks, it's hard not to explore films that freaked the f**k out of travellers and not immediately think of the opening act of the first Final Destination offering.

For a lot of people - your humble scribe included - the fear of flying is a very real thing. And if you're one of those who isn't exactly a calm, cool flyer, Final Destination will undoubtedly amp up your anxiety levels when it comes to your next flight.

That opening, of course, had a bunch of high school students board the Volée Airlines Flight 180 that exploded shortly after take-off. Devon Sawa's Alex Browning had a premonition that resulted in him and a handful of others being thankfully removed from that flight, with the Grim Reaper then stalking these 'survivors' one-by-one - in turn setting the table for what the Final Destination franchise would become known for.

In a rather genius move, this plane crash would also be featured at the close of 2009's The Final Destination, with that fifth FD picture brilliantly dovetailing into the opening moments of the film that kickstarted this entire series.

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