10 Horror Movies Where You Don't See The Monster Until The End

6. Lake Mungo

The Woman
Arclight FIlms

This Australian found footage horror focuses on the Palmer family, who lost their teenage daughter Alice in a drowning accident. What begins as a narrative about grief and coming to terms with tragedy soon evolves into a ghost story, as it becomes apparent that Alice may not be as absent as things first appear.

The Palmers initially believe that their house is haunted by Alice's ghost and consult a psychic to help exorcise her spirit. Through this process, they discover a number of disturbing truths about Alice's life just before her death, including the uncovering of a phone she buried at the titular body of water.

Footage on that phone shows Alice encountering a spectral version of herself, appearing as her bloated dead body. Feeling a sense of closure, the Palmers move out of their home and they all lived happily ever after... but wait! There's more!

The final shots of Lake Mungo are of a series of pictures of the Palmer household. Unbeknownst to them, faint images of Alice's real ghost can be seen in all of them, confirming that she was actually haunting them the entire time.

Now that's a twist.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.