10 Horror Movies Which Insult Your Intelligence

7. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

Alien Covenant

I Know What You Did Last Summer concluded with the supposed death of Ben Willis, a mass murderer Julie, Ray, and their friends ran over the previous year. Little does Julie realise, the nightmare has only just begun...

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer opens with Julie getting a call from a radio station, where she's asked to name Brazil's capital. After answering with Rio de Janeiro, she wins a trip to The Bahamas with her friends. However, while on that holiday, Julie discovers Brazil's capital is Brasilia, meaning the radio contest was fake and she's been lured to The Bahamas by the killer.

But that's not all, as it turns out Julie's friend, Will Benson, orchestrated everything and has been working alongside Ben Willis, who is his father. Will mocks Julie, saying she should've figured it out sooner since his fake surname is literally "Ben son".

Although leaps in logic are plentiful in slashers, I Still Know takes all of the biscuits. Instead of faking a radio contest and spending thousands on a tropical trip, why didn't Ben kill Julie in her home? Wouldn't Will's plan collapse if Julie couldn't answer the Brazil question at all? Why did he create a pseudonym that hints at his true identity? Does he want to get caught?

Due to the hammy performances and uncreative kills, I Still Know was a pretty forgettable slasher up until this point. But after this ludicrous bombshell dropped, this sequel felt insultingly dumb.

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