10 Horror Movies Which Insult Your Intelligence

3. Alien Covenant

Alien Covenant

In Prometheus' defence, it tried to do something different. Rather than churning out more of the same, Ridley Scott's Alien prequel reinvented the lore and expanded on the Xenomorph's history in a way never seen before.

To the disappointment of many, though, that sci-fi epic was let down by needlessly complex subplots, illogical character choices, numerous plotholes, and a lack of Xenomorphs. But there was still hope, for if Sir Ridley took all the constructive criticism onboard, his follow-up could course-correct the series.

Against the odds, Alien Covenant turned out worse. Firstly, the ensemble still acted like idiots - why do they keep taking their helmets off while on another planet? - and Prometheus' final girl, Elisabeth Shaw, was killed off-screen despite the previous film setting up a major storyline involving her meeting the Engineers.

Speaking of which, all the Engineers die in a flashback, so that whole plot point was scrapped as well. And when characters say dialogue like "I'll do the fingering", with a straight face, it feels like Scott is trolling.

Also, Covenant's ending indicates David is responsible for creating the Xenomorphs that featured in the official series. Not only is this retcon infuriatingly pointless, but it doesn't make sense as, in Prometheus, the Engineers' murals clearly depict the traditional Xenomorphs, proving they've been around long before. Why Scott created a convoluted origin story only to contradict it with another convoluted origin story is bewildering.

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